Saturday, May 2, 2009


I watched Kidulthood tonight. I can't make up my mind what I thought of it.
I think I misinterpreted half the film because they were such chavs and I couldn't understand a word hardly. It's like another language.

It's crazy some of the stuff that goes on though.
I felt so sheltered as I was watching.
I'm kinda glad for the sheltering though. It's like a security blanket.

Flip New Zealander's have it lucky. Well, I kinda can only speak for the shore. So much of what the film portrayed I have never seen in a high school here. Ever.
It's crazy. Fifteen year olds killing each other and beating each other up, getting pregnant, doing cocaine, getting involved in the gangs, carrying guns.
I know it was just a film but I am so grateful I haven't been exposed to all that.

It's kinda heavy for a Saturday night.

Heavy = swell in chav-speak.

1 comment:

  1. I felt the same when I saw it, apparently it really goes down like that in some parts, it's sick
