Monday, July 25, 2011

First World Problems

I have been really affected by the famine in Africa. I feel so blessed and so helpless. It's a bit strange really. The lavish richness in my life seems pointless and wasteful in light of the 12 million people starving in the Horn Of Africa right now.

I can't even bring myself to read about it or watch the news.

It's too horrible.

I feel like my existence is a huge slap in the face to so many who live in great need. Here I surround myself with so many things for my own comfort.

I don't even think about the cost of food. Sometimes I even go without it out of my own vain conceit for what I look like. And then at other times, I scarf down much more than necessary in my greed.

What a privilege.

Then I complain about the internet dropping out, or having to go to uni on a rainy day.

Internet, education, and even rain are granted to a mere handful of people in this world.

What right do I have to complain?

West World problems.

As I drove home from work today I put on this song and by the time I got home I was weeping. It's the song of my heart for the hungry right now.

I feel partially responsible for their situation.
I want to be partially responsible for their solution.

Water: Luke Thompson


  1. Hey babe, soooo sympathise with you, I always feel like this when I remember my friends/'family' in Phuket, trying to raise their equally-deserving toddlers in thatched huts on dirty sand with no running water, and no rights.... it's hard not to feel guilty for just being me, here.

  2. Thanks Rach, it's nice to know I'm not the only one struggling with this. It kinda feels like I was born into blessing unjustly. Like everyone should have the opportunities thrown at me. Ahhhh...

  3. Nah it's great Katie.
    You've recognised.
    Then you can thank.
    Then you can act.

  4. Yeah it's all about the recognizing and acting. But how.
