This evening I went back to Kidzcamp for a farewell for Garth. He runs the whole show and he's up and leaving to Tauranga.
It was so weird to be back and see everyone again. I thought I wouldn't recognize any of the kids but it was all the same people, just a bit taller and older.
It was really awesome to hang out with friends I made there. Kidzcamps were always happy times. I met so many cool people. Some of my closest friends I met there.
After the speeches and stuff, while all the kids were going to bed, us visitors went over to the gym and played on the green machines.
It was fantastic. They are little pedalled kart things which are made for ten year olds. We squished into them and zoomed around, playing some sort of handball game which involved a lot of crashing into one another.
I can't believe how fun it was to be back there, playing the same games, with the same people, five years later.