Tuesday, April 28, 2009


This is the day I was born 19 years ago.
A pretty remarkable day.
For me anyway.

I had a tea party and I was well spoilt.
I love tea and I love parties. Not usually my own ones but this was so nice.
There was old fashioned teacups, doilies, cupcakes, asparagus rolls, coconut ice, club sandwiches and a whole lot of my favourite girlies. It was splendid.

I felt so special all day.
It struck me how lucky I am to have such awesome friends that could make me feel so loved and I want to be a friend like that to them.

Feelin' the love

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm... Dan told me you'll make cupcakes and I can come eat them so that's well :)

    Lucky you, only turning 19...
