Friday, April 17, 2009


This evening, instead of going out I chose to stay at home and watch a film.
Well, two.
But one affected me.
That's a lie. They both did.
I want to talk about Children Of the Silk Road though.

I realised again tonight that although Jonathan Rhys Meyers is definitely a bit of eye candy, he can't act to save his life.

That's not what affected me though.
I cannot believe how far those kids had to walk in the snow just to pursue a future that wasn't likely to be all that positive or secure.

I don't think I would have survived a time like that.
It makes me think just how lucky I am to have been born in NZ to awesome parents and peacetime.

The courage of those kids is astounding.
It was a true story too!

George Hogg was an amazing man. He changed the lives of all those kids. Gave them hope.
I'm beginning to understand that trying to change the world all at once is a silly idea. It's about affecting one person's life, and then another, and another. Hopefully it gets contagious.
That's what I would like to be.

1 comment:

  1. Movies do that eh. And JRM is not eye candy (except maybe in Match Point)
