Thursday, November 4, 2010


This morning began with a large caramel latte, the beach, and the Amies.
It was a very nice start to the day allbeit a tad chilly.
I love that we live so close and by the beach. We are so fortunate.
Moreso that we can be such good friends.
That's the best part.


  1. I like that you mentioned how you live so close. Subtle dig at Ami, very slyyyyyy. I like that me and you and Dan live like 2 minutes from each other and maximising it with walks to the dairy for ice cream. That's going to be my summer.

  2. I promise it wasn't a sly dig. I don't even know how it can be.
    YEAH keen for icecream and beach and such.
    Han, you practically live at my house anyway. You surely will be invited.
