The sky was beautiful as I drove home from church. It was cloudless and blue except for a hazy pink band.
When I looked at it all at once it was outrageously lovely. A photograph of that moment could definitely make its way around Tumblr.
Just for fun I focussed my eyes on the blue part under the pink stripe. Gradually the whole sky became blue and the pink disappeared. It was incredible.
It got me thinking. Obviously I must have been feeling a tad pensive and deep.
It's so easy for us to take our eyes off the beauty.
What I mean is that we can be distracted by so many things or even just one thing in our life which takes all of the splendour out of the simplest, most awe-inspiring things. When we stop looking for things which are truly spectacular, slowly our senses are dulled to them. It becomes harder to find inspiration and appreciate small things in life which deserve to be appreciated.
Like that pink line in the sky.
Such a beautiful post! I like it a lot. The little, seemingly mundane, things in life are sometimes the most wonderful, amazing things and when you see them, you wonder how you could ever doubt God and his magnificence.