Tuesday, November 30, 2010


We came to be good friends with a blow up dolphin named Frank while we were away.
He guarded our tent from humans and creatures alike in our absence. Although, he didn't do a very good job of it as Amy L found a gigantic spider by her head. You can imagine the debacle that ensued.

Anyhow, Frank came to be part of the family. Which is why it is very sad for me to tell you that he is dead. Probably washed up on a shore somewhere, pecked to bits by seagulls, deflated and alone.

I simply turned my back for one second in the water and he was gone, carried away by the wind. Amy swam after him for far too long and was also nearly carried away by the current. Seriously, she was beyond earshot. I feared for her life too. Seagulls can be scary. Especially ones brought up in the ghetto of South Auckland.


  1. lol Frank. Hey don't worry, he probably found a pod of inflatable dolphins!
