Thursday, April 3, 2014


Tonight I hung out with the Choi family. It was sooooo weird to see them in Seoul. It was kinda like transplanting a little bit of NZ into Korea.

I first heard Andy say my name in his strong NZ accent which was incredibly strange. It was like the voice wasn't real, especially when I turned around and couldn't see them. Then Diane emerged, except she was at least a foot taller than I remember and so grown up-looking. I'm sure my mouth was wide open for a few seconds before I gathered myself.

It was amazing to spend time with them in another country, once I got used to it! It was like having younger siblings there. After a while Diane got back to her usual huggy self and Andy started hassling me. It was like it always was, only I have to look up when I talk to them now.

I bet you can't guess how much these shoes are. More than a month's salary anyway!

1 comment:

  1. the best people ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I actually just teared up how exciting <3
