Saturday, February 28, 2009


It's so nice to just get away to a different environment every so often. I went to Tawharanui this afternoon.

We had way too much stuff to fit comfortably in the car. There were two chilly bins, a smallish BBQ, a couple of boxes of food, two big tents, a gas bottle, four people and all their gear. It was hilarious trying to pack it all in.

We almost gave up a number of times. We were going to bring a third tent just in case but we discarded that idea very quickly.

It ended up that Michael had all of his stuff on his lap including his big bag, Andrew had food at his feet, pillows and the gas bottle on his lap and I had lots of small bags over me. It was super hot too which added to the hilarity.

We got there in the end and live to tell the tale so all is well. But man, it was one awesome car trip.

1 comment:

  1. I love car trips. I was always gutted when I was in a car going somewhere and we arrived at our destination cause it meant no more car chillin'.
