Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Today I just felt God was near me all day.
It was so cool to feel his presence just as I went about my day.
I know he's there all the time it's just I could sense him more today maybe.

It is also very cool how God can use people in such small ways to impact hugely on someone else. I just felt today around about lunchtime that I should pray for this one girl in my band who is having a bit of a rough time at school with some other girls. I just texted her some simple encouragement. It honestly took a few seconds.
She replied in an email when she got home and said how lunch was so awful for her today and thanks because what I said really meant a lot to her, not just in her school situation but where she's at with God and that it was just at the right time when she really needed it.

I love that God can use us and prompt us to do things that could be so meaningless or simple but really it has eternal or crucial implications.

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