Friday, July 24, 2009


Two remarkable things happened to make up for the lack thereof yesterday.

1: Mavis called! She's one of the girls from the church in Tonga. I really connected with her so it was so cool to hear her voice. It was so strange cos she was so quiet and I was on a bus, yelling into my phone in English scattered with Tongan. People must have thought I was insane. A lady did come sit down next to me though. Can't have been too bad.

2: Tonight was very rainy and very windy. I was driving, which was no mean feat, you can ask Sarah. It was a tad scary. Anyhow, I dropped her off at her car in the parking lot and the rain was doing something very cool on the tarmac. It looked kinda like a smoke machine but 50 times more exciting. The wind was sweeping it along the ground making ripples and waves. I would have loved to catch it on camera. I loved the way it swirled and moved. Freaking cool.

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