I sat next to a guy on the plane. There was polite conversation, nothing too deep. I was going to Sydney for a holiday, he was going for work, he flies often becasue of his job etc. Then the flight attendant did the safety talk and so... conversation over.
I was left wondering for the rest of the flight what kind of job he must have to fly so much between Australia and NZ.
I kind of built up a scenario for him in my mind. He was kind of bulky so I decided he must be a rugby player - probably league. He was here playing for a team and that's why he travels a lot.
By the end of the flight I had convinced myself that I was sitting next to a famous rugby player and just before I was about to ask for his autograph I figured I should make sure.
I finally asked what he does for a living and was truly disappointed to find out he was just a businessman here to make sure his company is working well. I hope the let down didn't show on my face.
I much prefer the alternative.
I hope I'm not the only one who invents backstories for complete strangers.
we do invent backstories but most of the time it's just judging