Sunday, January 20, 2013


I was having a relaxing afternoon, reading outside when a magical thing happened.

I noticed a tiny flutter of orange out of the corner of my eye and watched as a Monarch Butterfly swooped gracefully in the air around my legs and glided off to perch on a leaf across the garden.

It was the most vibrant colour I've seen on a butterfly of its kind, and a beautiful omen of hope if ever I saw one.

I can't believe something so graceful only has three days to make the most of its own freedom and beauty before it becomes part of the earth forever.

In other news, I received a very exciting text about being in a Tom Lark music video. I can't even pretend I was cool about it. An urgent feeling rushed over me and I had to go and tell everyone who was still at church. Unfortunately, I couldn't go, but having the option is almost just as boastworthy.

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