Friday, March 15, 2013


Today was gift giving day part 1. There were mixed reviews.

First up was the principal. Big deal! I went to his office after much fretting, and I gingerly knocked. He wasn't there! I couldn't try again! I wouldn't have the nerve.

Moments later he came around the corner and invited me in. He bowed a lot and told me to sit down. I bowed a lot but didn't sit down. Instead, I held out my gift and bowed some more. I said the words I had practiced which meant 'thankyou' and then smiled. He took it, smiled, bowed, said thank you and then proceeded to look around his office, narrating in fluent Korean. I did not understand a word. When he walked over to a table and picked up a packet of coffee to hand me he said some more things. I took the coffee, said, "have a nice day", bowed some more, said thank you, and left. I really hope that's what he wanted me to do.

The next gift was a box of coffee mix for the office. I thought I was being sneaky about it when I showed my co-teacher after lunch. Unfortunately she was with a group of other teachers and told me in hushed tones to keep it in my office for us and she'll just take a few to the other teachers' office. Either she's being sneaky and keeping it for herself, or I made a possible social faux pas. Probably a bit of both.

The vice-principal had left for the afternoon so that was an utter failure. 

Here's hoping Monday's better!

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