Wednesday, May 15, 2013


For the first time in a while I picked up a book and read it start to finish, only stopping for bathroom and snack breaks. It was great to be immersed in the land of fiction once more.

This was a story about teenagers battling with cancer. John Green's, "The Fault In Our Stars," a book I've wanted to read for a while. I really do enjoy a bit of teen fiction, and even though this was no Hunger Games, it brought up some really good things that a person who is suffering might be going through.

I liked how rational it was about everything and realistic. The teenagers were witty and laughed about their situations like you could imagine someone with a terminal illness would do, given no other option but despair.

Anyway, I laughed, I cried, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Now I can understand my Tumblr feed a bit better.

Today was also Teacher's Day and a student gave me this cute thing.

1 comment:

  1. I've got that book! I went on a freak book shopping spree and bought four of John Green's books without having read a single one before! The fault in our stars is my fave :) :)
