Saturday, August 29, 2009


Tonight at lifegroup we had the most delectable cheesecake in the world. It really was delicious. Cheesecake is one of the most scrummy desserts on the face of the earth. The texture of this one was perfect and it just was so creamy and tasty.
Oh wow.


My friend, Ana turned 26 today. 26! But it's ok because no way does she look that old. Or act it actually. She's too much fun to be that old. She'll be so proud if she ever read this.
I think her birthday is a pretty remarkable occasion. We went out for dessert and there were heaps of people there. I'm glad too because she's a pretty remarkable person and deserves to feel special.


I love the feeling when something just becomes clear to you, something you've been confused about for ages.
It happened to me today.
It was the first of my extra Tongan tuition and I asked Melenaite to go through pronouns with me and when you use each one and where in a sentence.
It just clicked.
It was amazing.
I felt so good after that. Two semesters of struggling with it and now I have it down pat.
It's a great feeling.


So camp has been amazing. Honestly, I love these kids. They are loads of fun to hang with.
This morning worship was actually amazing. As it was the last morning of camp they had got to know the songs and they were singing so loud.
It was flippin cool to see some of them still at intermediate but having that real heart for worship. They really meant what they were singing.
It's so exciting to see because I love that I've been part of that journey. One girl who is in yr 8 now has been through Promiseland and I've watched as she's built up that passion for worship each Sunday.
What a privilege to see God at work in these kids lives. Ahhh man.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Today I preached my first sermon.
Except it wasn't really a sermon at all.
Let's call it a sermonette.
It went ok. I felt a little jumbled.
But yeah. I threw out some lollies which they seemed to enjoy. Made them a little excited though.
I'm pretty proud of myself. For a first attempt it wasn't too shocking I don't think.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Today it felt like summer. The sun was shining. I love driving when it feels like that. It's so great to have the sun beating down on you.
I didn't even mind that I was wearing jeans and a winter top. It made me feel like summer had snuck up on me. I was so hot but it was a welcome change to the freezing cold of the past few months.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today Amy baked cupcakes and I iced them. We took them in to some of the girls from church who were at school.
It was so weird to be back. My brother forced me to go see my old drama teacher, Mr Roberts (Robdog). He has a manky ginge beard now. It's bad.
It cracks me up that high school was such a made up world. It was this messed up hierarchy of social order and you are afraid to stick a toe out of line. I wish I had.
I know I haven't been out of school for long at all but it seems like eons ago I was wondering what the popular crew thought of me and I was so afraid not to break any rules.
It's crazy how much I was scared of the rules at school. It's so stupid now I look at it. Teachers hardly know. I'm pretty sure Amy and I weren't meant to be handing out cupcakes all over the school during lunchtime. It was fun though.
So many looks. People thought we were insane.
And they cut down the flagpole! They did a Hone Heke all up on my grill.
So much has changed.


I have been watching Ally McBeal Season 1.
It's the best sitcom ever. The only one to do with lawyers I will ever be into.
Apart from the fashion it's so fantastic (honestly, she wears suit jackets longer than her hemline). It's so witty. And just so nineties.
I couldn't stop watching till it finished.
I totally got sucked into the romantic drama. I'm so terrible for that.
If you ever get the chance, watch it.


I went to a pub quiz this evening. We severely lost. It was fun though.
It's so crazy to see what people know in the back of their minds. Jono surprised me by pulling out the title of an old 80s hit and my own father knew that it was Whitney Houston who got busted carrying marijuana into Hawaii.
Who woulda thought.
I was actually very impressed with him.
Odd surprises are the best.


I had the most glorious piece of carrot cake today.
It was simply amazing.
Remembering it is almost as good.
I'm salivating.
It made the meeting far, far more endurable.
Although, meetings aren't too bad.
But that cake.
Oh man.


This afternoon was the church AGM.
AGMs are generally very interesting experiences. They are definitely dead boring for long stretches of time. But then it's usually worth all that when they get subjects of doctrine or music. Those two subjects are rather controversial at my church.
I was supervising the kids watching a movie during all this (We got through one and a half films) but I heard about it after.
I just love that everyone was congratulating one guy for standing up and sharing his mind. People were punching him on the shoulder and saying, "well done" and, "good on you." It was as if he had stuck it to the man.
I will never get church politics.

But it does amuse me.

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Today was remarkable because I woke up around midday and had a lack-of-sleep bleary eyed headache for the first few hours afterwards.
I love that I actually got to bed late enough to cause one.
It felt so great to be tired for an actual reason.

Another remarkable thing about today is having friends over and singing along to Chicago, Moulin Rouge, and The Lion King. It's so great to have friends with which I don't care about what I look or sound like. It sure is fun.

Isn't Ewan McGregor such a looker?


I just got home from the BEST gig ever in the whole world. It was Teacups, Solomon, Phil Austen and the Bayonets, and The Great North.
What a lineup.
They were all amazing.
Plus I love going to Solomon gigs because there's the weirdest mixture of school and church friends and this time because of the other artists there were friends from all over there. Man it was cool.

My favourite was Phil Austen and the Bayonets. They were so mellow and so beautiful. I could have listened to them forever even though my feet were aching because of standing up too long.

Afterwards we chilled at Denny's. It really was a fantastic evening.


We had a reunion meeting for Tonga tonight. It was cool just to hang with the team again and reminisce. I quite enjoyed myself.
It's amazing to be able to share an experience like that with other people and know that we all grew and learned new things together.
Also, Shona made these amazing muffins. They were to die for. I couldn't believe myself. The whole plate was gone by the end of the meeting and there was quite a platter. I helped there a little bit. Undid all the good exercising.


I actually did some exercise today.

You should all be so proud.

I certainly am.

It felt so good.

I hurt now.

The good kind of hurt.

Exercise definitely makes you cheerful.


I watched Step Up 2 this afternoon and man they can dance. The last scene where they take to the streets is amazing.
I wish I could move like that. I'd like to think that if I had carried on with dancing and gotten really committed I could do it. I'd like to think so anyway.
It's amazing how they can combine classical and hip hop like that. It blows my mind. It's not in the final dance but yes. The main guy does it. Chase.



This evening at band I handed out a new song, Happy Day by Tim Hughes and we worked on it most of the practise. By the time practise was over we almost had it down. It was such a cool feeling.
The song is awesome too. I can just feel that the kids are gonna love it. It has such powerful lyrics and not too much for them. Wooo!
I love making worship as a band. It's awesome cos when something sounds good or works out really well it's like glorifying God right there. I don't know how to explain it but it's cool.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I just got home from competing in my church Talent Quest. It was so much fun.
I forgot how much I love performing, even though I get so unbelievably nervous.
Dan and I performed a song. It was cool to be up there with him. He's so natural on stage.
It's so exhilarating!
Here's the original song. We added another verse.


Natalie Portman is gorgeous.
She's so bold. I looked her up on IMDB and she's said some pretty cool stuff.
If I was an actress I'd want to be like her.
I love how she shaved all her hair off and didn't even care.
If only more celebrities could be like her. They all just seem so self-obsessed and I bet old Nat isn't perfect but she knows that fame isn't everything and she doesn't do silly things to be in the spotlight.

Also, her face is nice. It was perfect for her role in Mr Magorium's Wonder Emporium. One day I, too shall own a magic store.

Just. You. Wait.


Fridays are the best days ever. I don't have uni so I'm free to lay in and do whatever I please.
Today I went shopping with Mum.
I bought two dresses and some shoes. They are pretty dresses and practical shoes. Plus Mum was happy.
It's always nice to actually buy something when I go shopping. I usually look around, get daunted by price tags and tell myself I'll find something just as good at an op shop. That hardly ever happens.
But yes. Shop assistants kept commenting on how we were having a shopping day out. I felt so weird because it's not something I've thought of doing before. Shopping for a whole entire day just for fun. No thanks.
New stuff is always fun though. Especially trying it on when you get home with all different ensembles.


I think my hormones are getting the better of me because I shed a tear tonight during Anne Of Green Gables - the Sequel.
So shoot me.
It was just so happy when she FINALLY realises she's been in love with Gilbert all along.
They kiss and everything is better.
It's honestly the best cheer-up movie ever.
Everything is resolved in the best possible way, marriage for the two concerned is inevitable, and happiness and stability reigns again for Avonlea.
I feel positively uplifted.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


I promised Ana I would write about her.

I went to the flat again tonight and cooked dinner. Thank goodness Kara was there to give some advice. It turned out ok.

Anyway, after dinner and a trip to the gas station to get ice creams, we got Ana's Skype up and running.

It was fun to chat for a while even though we were under the same roof. When it was time to go, she convinced me to keep my laptop on to see how far the wifi would go.

I was so impressed. I got all the way out onto the road and nearly 50m away. It was cool. Like Liz and Ana were in my car too, just chatting.

That was pretty exciting.


When I get my nose in a book (especially a trashy chick lit. novel) I become totally engrossed and can think of not much else. I extract myself from reality for a bit. That's why I got a little frustrated this afternoon when I was asked to go and help pick up a pool table for the spare room. It was up to such a good part in the book and it was so hard. I did my best not to grumble though and I was actually quite glad I went even though I wasn't much help. I should have played a game of pool with the boys but as soon as I got in the door I hurried to my room to pick up my book. I was impressed with my self-control.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


We've been having technological problems at band lately and not being a technologically minded person, I don't know how to deal with it. So I called in JD to help out and he explained to David and I what we needed, how much approximately it would cost and all that. He then did our sound levels and made everything sound absolutely perfect. It was so good to sound like we were a proper band with everyone singing in the right place, no feedback from the wireless headsets and the perfect amount of volume. It's so encouraging when you can hear the potential your music has to sound even better.


This morning one boy from Promiseland handed Jessamy and I each a card quite sheepishly. He is so sweet. The envelope has chocolates stuck to it and he'd drawn pictures on it. Inside it he expressed how glad he was that we were home and that he'd missed us while we were in Tonga.
It felt so special to be appreciated like that. It makes me feel like we're doing something right when one of the kids begs his mum to make us something for when we get back.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


This evening during a screening of Anne Of Green Gables Pt. 1 I fell into hysterics. It was hilarious. Without completely meaning to be I don't think. It was just how utterly cheesy and romanticized it all was. It was so quaint, the countryside and the innocence. It was fantastic. If it weren't for the horrible outfits some of them wore (I'm talking way too much lace and bows and puffy sleeves), I would so be there.


This was a stay-in-bed-and-read-all-day day. It was so amazing. I love just curling up under the blankets and slipping out of this world and into another for a little while. Books are amazing things. You can get so caught up in them. Kinda like films but you get to be the director.


I helped a girl at uni today. She was attempting to carry her bass (as in violin, not guitar) plus a stool up a hill. All I did was take the stool for her but she appreciated it. I love helping strangers out like that. It really brightens your day. I reckon I should do it more. You end up way better off, maybe even more so than the person you helped. Warm fuzzies all round.


Tonight I went to my friend's flat and cooked them dinner. It was actually very fun. I didn't kill them with my cooking either. I loved just hanging out and watching tv. It was really nice. I felt like I was a regular old flattie too. And it was great to cook them dinner. They'd all had hard days and I know they appreciated it.


At lifegroup tonight I found out that someone from church had got themselves in a whole heap of trouble. We were talking about prayer and intercession. I couldn't imagine what I'd do in these sorts of situations without being able to pray. I'd feel so helpless. I don't understand prayer but it's so awesome to be able to talk to God in such an intimate way.