Thursday, August 20, 2009


Today Amy baked cupcakes and I iced them. We took them in to some of the girls from church who were at school.
It was so weird to be back. My brother forced me to go see my old drama teacher, Mr Roberts (Robdog). He has a manky ginge beard now. It's bad.
It cracks me up that high school was such a made up world. It was this messed up hierarchy of social order and you are afraid to stick a toe out of line. I wish I had.
I know I haven't been out of school for long at all but it seems like eons ago I was wondering what the popular crew thought of me and I was so afraid not to break any rules.
It's crazy how much I was scared of the rules at school. It's so stupid now I look at it. Teachers hardly know. I'm pretty sure Amy and I weren't meant to be handing out cupcakes all over the school during lunchtime. It was fun though.
So many looks. People thought we were insane.
And they cut down the flagpole! They did a Hone Heke all up on my grill.
So much has changed.

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