Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I went on a roadtrip after school with two lovely older teachers. There was Christina, the cute English teacher that is always telling me stories, and the head nurse whose name I have forgotten.

We ate some 된장찌개 (fermented soybean soup) and were off to Gyeongju, a place known for beauty and historical significance. 

Sitting in the back of the car I felt like a child on a family holiday with so many hills and fields whipping by and myself fighting to keep my eyes open. They put on the Les Miserables soundtrack so I re-enjoyed the story through the music as we drove. 

When we got to Gyeongju, the temperature felt like 40 degrees, but it wasn't quite. I had to lose my cardy and show off my shoulders. Scandalous!

We wandered through the museum which had some really really old stuff in it. It's crazy to see things from thousands of years ago. I'm used to NZ's baby history so it was quite amazing. 

The next stop was the Hyundai Hotel to check out the lake. Christina made us go up the glass elevator and look out at the view. It was really cool. She's so much fun. We tried to go back down a different lift, but the same one kept opening, even after we sent it back downstairs with no one in it. 

We then sat in the cafe and ate patbingsu while they gave me every compliment under the sun. The nurse teacher called me a goddess and said when she saw me she wondered what I ate and if I ever went to the bathroom!!! 

After a little walk in the fading heat along the lakeside, it was hometime. We stopped for dinner (more  된장찌개, but this time with some delicious sides) which I was not feeling like, but I felt good afterwards. 

When we came out of the restaurant there was a guy smiling in our general direction and Christina, the cheeky ahjumma that she is asked him if she knew him. He got very shy and said I was the one that made him smile.

It's nice that all it takes to make a stranger grin is my blonde hair and white skin (although I am doing what I can to get a bit of colour going!).

 What a beautiful day!

A big old bell.

They just lifted this beaded necklace up with the dirt.

A little ancient coffin

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There were dragonflies everywhere.

Christina being cheeky and having a look around.


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