Saturday, December 21, 2013


It's easy to take God for granted sometimes. I'm so used to him being completely awesome that I forget all the little ways that should be amazing.

For example, this morning at the Women's Winter Tea we were instructed to have some quiet time with God and first ask him what he thinks of ourselves, and then what he wants to say to the person on our right.

He told me he sees me as strong and courageous, and as his child. These things are huge blessings, especially as I don't feel particularly strong or courageous.

But what was really cool is that for the girl next to me I heard the words in my mind, "Wholly mine". I double checked and asked him again. He repeated.

So when it came sharing time, as with things like this, there's a certain amount of doubt in whether or not it'll actually mean anything to the other person or if it was your own brain making stuff up. But the faith happens when you say it anyway.

It just so turns out that those words matched the words God told her perfectly and lined up exactly with what she is experiencing at the moment.

It was a great encouragement that God is up there actually listening to us, and speaking, and caring about us.
The one photo I took at the Winter Tea
 I took a lot of photos at Marcelle's bridal shower later on though.

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