Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Music has an incredible power to move people. I love that about it. It can be thought provoking and emotion evoking.

Mumford and Sons are these things to me. I absolutely love their lyrics. I love that they can be simple at times but impacting nonetheless. And the music has so much going on but never too much. It's always so tight and diverse and magical. They are geniuses.

This is my favourite I think.


  1. ah, so good. Really cool vid of them.
    Its strange how nearly Christian their some of their lyrics seem.

  2. Funny you say that. I looked it up. Marcus Mumford is a pastor's kid. His parents started Vineyard churches in the UK.
    He's moved away from "that community" he says but he's still kind of got it there.

    I found it interesting.
