Monday, September 3, 2012


I think it's time for me to start documenting the remarkable in my life.

Tonight it was at church.

As I prayed with Jessamy and Mika something broke within me. In a good way.

I've been feeling lately that I just want to get back to what it was like as a teenager in my relationship with God.  There used to be passion, fire, moments of abandon, and an unwavering desire for Him.

I want that again.

I am going to pursue that instead of settling for the excuse that as your faith matures, you lose many of those emotional moments.

Codswallop! Bring back the tears and His tangible presence.


  1. It's confusing. I think back to the 'good old days' when I had this awesome perfect relationship with God, but I wonder if such a time ever existed. You're far more likely to remember the highs and not the lows.
    In the same way you could look back at this period of your life when you're 40y/o and say "I wish I had that perfect relationship with God like I did when I was in my 20s" because you only remember the highs... that's why we have nostalgia. We don't get nostalgic cause of crap stuff in our lives that we look back on...

    It's similar to a thought I had once, seeing intermediate kids in expensive brands and stuff and thinking "back in my day we didn't spend so much on shoes etc" but then I figured we probably did, but I didn't recognise it as being absurd cause I was right in the mix of it all.

    Haha I'm tired and I don't know if I made any sense... anyway good on you for desiring that passion.

  2. These are good thoughts. I like them a lot. But I still desire for that passion, and I feel like I've felt it over the past few days. A glimpse at least. So it can happen and be wonderful.
