Sunday, September 30, 2012


Tonight was the gig of my life.

Tom Lark
Farah Loux
Great North

I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it, especially Tom Lark because, well, he's as fun to look at as sing along to.

Besides the fact that they are all great bands, two factors influenced the enjoyability by a substantial amount.

1. I haven't been to a gig in a very long time. It used to go to gigs at least once a week, but not anymore. Although my bank account is happier, my heart is not.

This was such a great gig to fill the emptiness inside. It had all the makings of the good old days such as the fantastic music, the venue (Kings Arms) with the perfect amount of grungy memories of intoxicated boys forming a pit during Bryan's solos, and catching up unexpectedly with friends from many different places.

2. I had a few great encounters with people. Conversation just seemed to flow. Sometimes it can be awkward because there are so many people I kind of know, but tonight it was not scary at all.

I love when people are suprisingly friendly. Not in a creepy way, but just in a "we've talked a few times and I'm not uncomfortable with taking it to the friendship level". It can be a bit weird sometimes, navigating that boundary between aquaintance and full blown friend, but it's always a relief when someone breaks that ice.

Tonight it was the form of a hand on the waist and a gentle sway to the music.

Don't be too excited. It was a female.

1 comment:

  1. Not gonna lie - got a bit excited about that hand on the waist thing. Did you have to ruin my dreams by saying it was a female?!
