I set out to find a library, and walked a very long way to the first one, discovered it wasn't right, then walked further to the only English one in Daegu.
The lady there was lovely. Her English was perfect and she told me I was first foreigner ever to visit. It hasn't been open that long though.
It was so new that they don't have a system for borrowing books yet so I just stayed and read some short stories on the uncomfortable chair. I did get a membership card so now I'm all official.
I read a collection of stories by Oscar Wilde that almost moved me to tears amongst the children screaming and running about around me.
I walked to Buy The Book and bought one to read. It's the perfect atmosphere for a Saturday reading session. I reclined on the couch in the corner and put my feet up on a chair. I'm pretty sure they Wouldn't have minded if I lay down and took a nap for a while.
It's a Saturday worth repeating.
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