Sunday, January 4, 2009


Carrying on with the spiritual theme, today my remarkable moment was when my friend was baptised. Baptism is important in the Christian faith because it symbolises new life through the person being dunked under the water and then lifted out again. It is also a public declaration of your commitment to living life as a follower of Jesus. Baptism is a pretty significant thing.
We are camping right by the beach so this afternoon we wandered down to the water and she shared a bit about why she wanted to get baptised and then some people gave her words and verses of encouragement. After that we walked into the water and she was dunked. It was awesome because it was so different to baptisms done in pools. She had to sort of fight the waves.
It was lovely and she looked so happy coming out of the water.

1 comment:

  1. Baptisms are remarkable indeed! I was so happy when my friend got baptised.
