Friday, January 30, 2009


Tomorrow will be the first Saturday I have had free ever since I started working almost. I can't even remember the last Saturday I had to do nothing but relax. It's going to be amazing.

Something I deem remarkable did happen today actually. I was getting slightly worked up because a friend has been pissing me of a bit lately. I was being really negative and cynical about the whole situation. I knew I just had bad attitude but you know when you don't care anyway and you just feel like a bit of self-indulgent negativity. Anyway, while I was wallowing in a mire of self-pity I received my weekly email from a lady in Tonga. She always sends me devotionals for each week and I must admit I usually mark them as read, not wanting to actually delete them. Today, however I did open it up and I read the first one. It was actually so amazing how fitting it was. It was all about not getting offended at other people's actions and always be looking for chances to encourage and support people. Basically it said people will always be letting you down and you can choose whether to just let it go or you could get pissed off. In any case, I appreciated it because I realised I just need to stick in there and do something positive about it rather than whinging.


  1. God pulls mean tricks like that!
    Mean as in cool, not like bullying btw.

  2. He really does eh. I'm glad you got that it was a God thing. I didn't really want to be too pushy. But man am I grateful.

  3. He is definitely always there for us when we need Him.

    I came to the realization that people will always let you down a while back. Some will let you down less than others but no one is perfect.So we just have to keep encouraging and also watch that we don't let down others too much.
